Best Tips To Stop Repossession Of Your Home

There are probably few things that are more feared by homeowners than the prospect of losing their home. Being a homeowner and having a home to provide for your family is a dream of many but one that can quickly turn into a nightmare when there is a chance of having it repossessed. Having your home repossessed is not only a very stressful experience for the home owner and their family but can also affect their future financial stability.

When you sign your bond or bank mortgage agreement, the terms and conditions state that they can repossess your home if you fail to make your monthly bond payments. You may suddenly have difficulty making your monthly payments due to circumstances that are not your fault such as job loss, divorce, and death of family member or similar situations. However, the bank has no way of knowing why you are not making your bond payments as promised.

Banks will usually contact you by writing or telephone when your payment is one month past due. Do not make the mistake, as many do, of avoiding their phone calls. Be brave and honest and explain to the bank what the situation is so they know where you stand and what they can do to help. Do not make promises to pay a certain amount by a certain time period if you really don’t believe you can keep your promise. This will only make matters worse for you with the bank. Don’t be afraid to ask for their help, this is the answer to being able to stop repossession of your home. There are many ways banks can help homeowners keep their home but they need to know you want and need their help.

Banks do not like repossessing homes, in spite of the reputation they may have for being harsh and penny-pinching. They do not want the expense and headache of having to repossess your home and sell it at public auction just to get their money back. This is expensive and time-consuming for all involved- not to mention what it will do to your credit history!

Repossession of your home can have your credit black-listed so you won’t be able to get any type of credit for anywhere from 5 to 10 years. This does not apply just to bonds for homes but credit cards as well. Even landlords do a credit checks before they will rent property. So, don’t make the mistake of thinking that having your home repossessed will be the end of your financial worries. It will be the beginning of troubles you may have for years. There are ways to prevent repossession of your home starting with contacting your bank for help or getting credit counseling to contacting repossession companies.

Repossession companies may not be able to help you with your bond payments but they can purchase your home from the bank so it is not repossessed. They will also give you the option of renting your home from them or buying it when your financial situation improves. Most people choose this as a last resort when there is nothing more that can be done to prevent repossession.